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Friday, August 11, 2017

Way Too Much Wet...

I'm not sure why blogger isn't letting access my graphics at the moment, but OK.

It's way too wet here.  It has been for weeks.  We've had high humidity levels into the upper 90% range by 8 PM.    65% or higher has been the norm for the afternoons.  It's killing my body.  My legs & feet have felt awful for quite a while.  The weather's been really messing with my breathing & sleep.

It was supposed to rain a lot last night & this morning.  It didn't rain much at all.  It just made it gloomy & more humid.   I woke up to some surprising levels of back pain.  It took over an hour & some ibuprofen to make it tolerable.

I hope some serious rain comes soon or it dries out.  I really need it to do something.  This has been pretty awful lately.


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