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Thursday, August 3, 2017


I'm on a countdown.  There's less than  a month until my birthday.  I'll be leaving 50 behind.  What did I learn in the last year?  I experienced a truly sucktastic year.  As usual, there was not much happening around my birthday, so we put off doing anything.  Then the damn gas lines had to fixed, which caused a money crunch.  Then that orange bastard got elected.  A gloomy Winter set in.  Then the orange bastard was sworn in to office.  Then our cats started dying off.  I got hospitalized.  There were fleas.  There still is too much grass.  The humidity has been awful.  Allergies have never not been a thing.  Now, the electric bill issue.  

On top of all of that, the 2016 - 17 television season was 1 of the worse I can remember.  It wasn't just on a station either, it was nearly all of them.  So, there wasn't even good TV for diversion.  

What did I learn in this year?   50 is just a number.  But 2016 & 2017 both suck & are still sucking major ass!  Next year needs to be way better.  If not, make like the song & stop the world, I want off.  I didn't even get decent fish.


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