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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Gloomy Day In August...

I woke up to another overcast day.  It's being a cool August so far.  I appreciate the lower temps, but the grey skies are rough on me.  I never do well with dreary weather.  I was already nerved out & these gloomy skies didn't help matters.   I hate to gripe, because I do like it being cooler.

I seem very out of touch with everything right now.  I feel like I'm sort of walking somewhere else than in the room I'm crossing.  I'm not relating to things well right now.   I look at myself sometimes & wonder who the hell are you?  I don't really know the answer sometimes.

Just trying to do this post today is taking a lot more concentration than I seem to be able to muster.  I couldn't find any articles & I really didn't want to moan & groan more.  Maybe that's what I have left.  I hope not.

I'll try to be in better spirits tomorrow.


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