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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

It's Coming...

My birthday is just a few days away.  It usually doesn't go so well for me.   It's at an inopportune time.  The closing of Summer & the not quite start of Fall.  Labor Day Weekend & the 1st of the month.   Not good timing, but hey at least I would've made Hogwart's deadline.

I don't have a problem with my age.  I usually don't even think about it.  My problem is that I never think of myself as the age I am.   That's 1 of the many problems kids from seriously screwed up homes face.   When something mars a child physically or otherwise, part of them always lingers with you.   Each time it happens, more versions of yourself continue to walk beside you & sound off in your head.  

No matter how old you get, that earliest version of you, will always be the 1st & final thing you hear in your head when you face life.   I occasionally hear very young versions of me, but it's mostly about the time I was between 7 - 8.  When my parents' escapades became their most violent & they finally split.   There are a few versions of angry, teenage me's.  There are those in my college years trying to survive & the 1 when university was over & I had nothing.   There are a couple of older, more fuck-it-all versions & then 1 when I was at my sickest with HIV.   But, none of them are the person I see in the mirror.   I don't really know that version well, not always sure if I care to.

When people, especially kids, experience trauma, it scars them forever.   Maybe no one else can see the marks, but we can.  It's a playlist of flashbacks to the least favorite events in your life.   Your lowest, most horrible, possibly terrifying points.

I don't care that I'm turning 51, surprised, but not upset.   It just seems like that 8 year old has been here a long time looking for something.  I doubt we'll ever find it.   I think that kid was supposed to be somewhere else by now.   Maybe some place nice.  


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