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Saturday, August 26, 2017


There's another dating site in the news.  It specializes in "Gay Sugar Daddies" looking healthy, younger men.   The site is trying to discourage/ban HIV+ people from being on it.  This has a lot of people screaming & boohooing.   Not me.

Let your flag fly.  Whether that be freak, bigot, picky or whatever.  I'd rather know upfront if a person is a bigot about whatever.  Or if they don't find this or that attractive or acceptable.  I like not having to wade through their crap list later.

So, they don't want to date people of color, religion or + status.  So what?  That's their right.   Stop whining & take it for the win it is.  These people are telling you what they're like from the get go.  Appreciate that & move on with your life.


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