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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Follow Up...

After reading yesterday's post over there being few if any actual science-based articles from the U.S. lately, my roomie had a question.  She wondered why I didn't talk about why other parts of the world were still posting actual HIV research articles & we weren't.  

I can't easily find an empirical piece over this, but there's been a lot of conjecture.  Why aren't there more U.S, HIV articles, that's easy, conservatives.  These republicans are so bible-thumping, anti-science & hateful that empirical articles on the matter have all but ceased in the U.S.   These people are only interested in their own world view & ridiculous thoughts.  This isn't limited to HIV either, look at trade matters, climate issues, police violence, etc...

In parts of the world where articles & research monies are based on science & not ideological lunacy, HIV research articles continue unfettered.    As do pieces on world issues such as climate change. What happened to all the articles from the U.S.?   Those people calling themselves christians, republicans, conservative, etc,,, killed them. 

BTW, I'm aware some feel words like christian, republican & bible should be capitalized.  I chose not to give something credence or respect that gives me none in return.  When these people come to their senses & can be less hateful, maybe we'll have more than shame & stigma articles concerning HIV again.  


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