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Friday, August 4, 2017

Missing Pieces...

Over the past month, 2 pieces have been removed from the route I take most often through town.   There's a little home with an over sized carport & wheel-chair ramp. A man that used a electric scooter lived there.  He was older & always wore a straw cowboy hat.  1 day, a for sale sign was in the yard & he was no longer there waving at us as we drove by.

There's a little green house down the road from us.   It's a little run down & an older man always sat on the porch petting his cats.  He had a way for them to get in & out of the house.  He was almost always there with his cats & kittens.  A couple of weeks ago, I noticed he had a walker & was looking back at the home.  A few days ago, there were trucks there cutting down overgrown shrubs & hauling his belongings away.    I don't know what happened to him or the cats. 

My trip to the mailbox or the store is starker than it was 2 months back.  I didn't know these men, but they made the trip more interesting & lighter.  Now they're gone & there's nothing more to be said.  That part of my trip is empty now.   I wonder when it happens to us, will people even notice we're no longer there?


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