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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Under Your Skin...

There's talk of introducing a HIV medication, dermal implant.  It would be inserted under the skin & deliver meds up to a year.  OK, I get it, that could be a great thing, especially for people who find it difficult or impossible to follow a regimen.  But still, eewww.  

I'm aware implanted  devices have been used for over a century, but still they ick me out a bit.  The idea of something being inserted into my body permanently is not appealing.  I know people have this done all the time & technically I'm being somewhat hypocritical, I've had root canals.  

During this dental procedure, a root canal filling is placed in the removed part of the tooth & then a typical filling is adhered before having the tooth crowned.  Maybe, it's because I can't see or feel a root canal filling.  Maybe, out of sight, out of mind. 

I've know people with various medical apparatus.  It's hard not to be aware of them.  I guess they get used to them, like wearing glasses.  I hope to never find myself in a place to need such things.  

So, beyond my own reservations, this might be a good idea.  They've been used for various procedures & pharmaceutical needs before, like birth control.  The practice has been here for ages & I doubt the idea will bother everyone.   Here comes the HIV medication implant.  Let's see how it goes.


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