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Friday, January 13, 2017

Early Morning Stick...

had to get around early this morning.  I needed to be at the doctor's office by 8 AM to get a lab draw for my thyroid levels.  I wonder how it'll go this time.  The lab tech there is quick, but not the friendliest stick.  He's rather jabby with a needle.  I usually wind up bruised.  At least he didn't go for the top of the hand this time.

It's getting cooler again & the skies are grey.  It's rather depressing.  Nothing much outside to watch except for a couple of neighbor cats scurrying by. 

My body is still stiff, my lips are covered in cold sores & I'm still coughing.  Other than that, I'm mostly passed this crap.  I think.  

Not much else is going on, so I'll end for now.


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