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Sunday, January 22, 2017

Raining Slightly...

It's drizzling again.  Of course it decided it had to actually rain when I was coming out of the store with groceries.  But hey, we're back inside now, so it can go back to a drizzle.

Being in a rural area, I'm used to there being few resources for a lot of things, especially in regards to HIV.  It bothered me when I read about a school district in Texas that had just recently made arrangements with a local HIV awareness/education group to come speak at their schools.  That group had been in the school's area for 25 years.  For 25 years, this school could've been educating their students about HIV.  But no, they didn't.  Probably worried about some thumper parent going ballistic.  It's irritating, where resources could be used, they're not available.   But where available, people aren't utilizing them.

We're headed back into more seasonal weather.  We've been warm here for most of the last week.   I hope we get & stay cold enough to keep the bugs & grass at bay a while longer.  I won't hold my breath.  We're still dealing with fleas & green grass is still in the yard.

That's all for now.


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