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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Just Another Saturday...

It's the last Saturday of January.  Not a lot going on with us today.  Roomie did some organizing, but that's about it.  Too many people around of are sick.  We're setting here like we're warding off vampires with crosses & garlic.  Keep your sickness from us.  

It's weird, Saturday mornings used to mean we'd be  watching America's Test Kitchen.  We no longer watch that show, not since Chris Kimball left.  It's just not the same.  There've been a lot of changes in our lives this year.  My roomie & I have had enough of it for a while.  My dentist changed, 2 people at our mailbox place no longer work there.  1 had been there for a decade.  It's weird going there & not seeing her.  

This morning has been a bit stressful.  The ice-maker was frozen.  I used a hair dryer to thaw it & it seems to be working.  For how long is the question.  I think the thing is overfilling.   May have to call a repair man.  Great, more $ will ahve to be spent.

Maybe it's fixed.  Maybe some of the changes can calm down for a while.  A little less stress would be nice.


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