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Saturday, January 21, 2017

Talk Talk...

About a lot of things in life, there may be too much talk & too little action.  But, with HIV, there's too little of both.  A ways back most people just stopped talking about HIV.   Getting this conversation really started again is the only way we're even going to hold our own in this fight, let alone win it.   

During the 90's, the world was saturated with info on AIDS.  It got to the point that people were tuning out.  During the 2000's, medical advancements, made it seem as the war had been won.  That wasn't the case.

With the current political climate & the risk of HIV rebounding across the globe, it's more important than ever to make sure this conversation keeps going.  It's necessary to promote the fight against this virus & to give people the tools they need to get through this.  So, get over the awkwardness of it all & start talking.


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