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Monday, January 23, 2017

Not Many Articles...

For quite some time it's been bare in regards to articles & discussions about HIV.  Yes, if you Google the topic you'll find articles.  However, most of those are old or simply rehashing older articles.   Most topics being discussed right now are about the tension the election of Trump has caused.   

Everyone seems to be waiting to see what his administration will do before proceeding.   Even global HIV efforts will be impacted by this man & his angry side show.  He could turn HIV efforts back decades, just because he wants to.  

The introduction of ACA in the US caused a lot of adjustments that are still having ripples & causing issues.  But to simply remove it won't put us back where we were before it's introduction.  That system is gone.  It's possible, there will be quite literally nothing there at all.  This is going to a be  a rough four years.


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