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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Cya January...

Good bye January 2017.  We wanted a break from the crap of 2016.  Apparently you didn't get the message.  You weren't the worst month of the last year, but your were fairly unpleasant.  I doubt you'll be missed.  You have a year to get your act together before you come back.  Please be better next time around.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Shopping...

We went shopping this morning & while I was in the store, I noticed a lot workers were in weird places.  Floor workers were in the deli & such. The illness I had earlier has struck Walmart workers in force.  I'd noticed a lot of people not looking well last time I went shopping.   I guess it just got to me early.  I'm just hope there won't be an encore.

A lot of article writers are saying they're terrified of what Trump might do.  He's already taken any reference to the Gay community off the White House website.  He's failed to appoint a new head of ONAP (Office of National AIDS Policy).  At best, we're an after thought.  Either that or we're being shut out or shut down.

It's another unseasonably warm day here.   It's almost 70.  That's rough after being do in the upper 20's this morning.  No wonder everyone at the store was sick.

That's it for now.


Sunday, January 29, 2017


I don't know if it was learning my thyroid med had to be upped again.  Or if it was all the crap in the news.  It could be the old cat having issues.  It could be the weird ice maker issues.  It could be the seasonal weather stuff.  Whatever it is, I've found my morning anxiousness has returned.  Not as bad as it used to be, but it's there.  I wake up & there it is, anxiety.   Concerning what?  I'm not sure, but I know it's there & it's tiring.    I really hope it clears up soon, nervous mornings are no fun at all.  

That's life for me right now.  Not horrible, but certainly not great.  

Take care.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Just Another Saturday...

It's the last Saturday of January.  Not a lot going on with us today.  Roomie did some organizing, but that's about it.  Too many people around of are sick.  We're setting here like we're warding off vampires with crosses & garlic.  Keep your sickness from us.  

It's weird, Saturday mornings used to mean we'd be  watching America's Test Kitchen.  We no longer watch that show, not since Chris Kimball left.  It's just not the same.  There've been a lot of changes in our lives this year.  My roomie & I have had enough of it for a while.  My dentist changed, 2 people at our mailbox place no longer work there.  1 had been there for a decade.  It's weird going there & not seeing her.  

This morning has been a bit stressful.  The ice-maker was frozen.  I used a hair dryer to thaw it & it seems to be working.  For how long is the question.  I think the thing is overfilling.   May have to call a repair man.  Great, more $ will ahve to be spent.

Maybe it's fixed.  Maybe some of the changes can calm down for a while.  A little less stress would be nice.


Friday, January 27, 2017

It's OK Not To...

Time to time,I come across a piece talking about an HIV+ person being upset others don't want to date them.  I get, it can be difficult deciding when to tell someone your status.  Should I tell them right before we're going to have sex?  Should I tell them on the 1st date?  Should I just use a dating app that lets me revel my HIV status?  Seriously, awkward.

I get that & can even sympathize, but I can't get behind these + people who feel their entitled to date whoever they'd like.  I don't care how advanced meds are or that you're viral levels are undetectable.  You are still HIV+ & that's not going to change.  These people have a right to be concerned.  Other people have a right not to want to have to deal with that in their lives.

They may be uninformed, biased, scared or a lot of other things.  But these people who don't wish to date a + person aren't necessarily bad people & they don't owe you anything.   HIV is a difficult thing to handle for those living with it.  It's probably mind boggling for many why anyone would want to date a + person when they weren't.  Your virus may be undetectable, but things can change.  It's still possible, even if highly unlikely, you could infect someone.   These people have a right to be concerned.

Being involved with someone with any chronic illness, means you are also to some extent living with the effects of that illness.  That's a lot for some people to take on.   Better them just admit it & walk away, then bail when you need them later.  You don't get to be angry at these people's sense of self preservation.  They aren't required to take on your problems & yes HIV is a problem.

Stop whining.  Start talking.  Be up front about you status early on.  If they walk away, that's their choice & not a reflection on you.  Life never promised you a significant other.  Live your life & let others live theirs.  Not dating, is not the end of the world.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Last January Thursday...

It's a little hard to believe the January is almost over already.  This month has flown for me,   I guess being sick made em lose time.

The news side of things is still lacking.  People are still reacting to Trump.  According to some sources, Russia has decided it can't afford to foot the bill in the fight against HIV in their country.    Russia is considered the largest & fastest growing HIV population in Asia.  Yet, they think they have better things to spend their money on than fight HIV.  Good luck with that.

This article isn't directly about HIV.  It's another 1 over the microbiome.    Specifically, how the biome may tie into medical treatments across the board.  Interesting read.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Really Quiet...

It's still really quiet regarding articles over HIV.  There are a few, but most of them are discussing tangent issues, non-issues, recaps or dealing with celebrities.   It seems to be this way with most news right now. Unless, it's specifically political, pro or con,  it's news fluff or not even that.  

On of the things this election & the past year cost us seems to be the ability to truly communicate.  There a lot of people talking, but few listening, even fewer actually conversing.  Conservation does seem to be the great. lost art.  This is what will actually cost us more than anything.  We must communicate & that doesn't mean shouting & arguing.

I really hope the articles pick up soon.  The lack of these articles is just a symptom of how things are going in this post election society.   It's hard to start a conversation, when most people are having such a difficult time just being civil.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Still Barren...

There still aren't many articles, other than those concerned with the fallout from Trump.  Today is supposed to be warm & then we'll cool back down.   My roomie & I seem to be mostly over this sickness.  We're still sniffly & having some coughing, but for the most part, it seems to be over.  

Not much going on other than that.  I'll post more tomorrow.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Not Many Articles...

For quite some time it's been bare in regards to articles & discussions about HIV.  Yes, if you Google the topic you'll find articles.  However, most of those are old or simply rehashing older articles.   Most topics being discussed right now are about the tension the election of Trump has caused.   

Everyone seems to be waiting to see what his administration will do before proceeding.   Even global HIV efforts will be impacted by this man & his angry side show.  He could turn HIV efforts back decades, just because he wants to.  

The introduction of ACA in the US caused a lot of adjustments that are still having ripples & causing issues.  But to simply remove it won't put us back where we were before it's introduction.  That system is gone.  It's possible, there will be quite literally nothing there at all.  This is going to a be  a rough four years.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Raining Slightly...

It's drizzling again.  Of course it decided it had to actually rain when I was coming out of the store with groceries.  But hey, we're back inside now, so it can go back to a drizzle.

Being in a rural area, I'm used to there being few resources for a lot of things, especially in regards to HIV.  It bothered me when I read about a school district in Texas that had just recently made arrangements with a local HIV awareness/education group to come speak at their schools.  That group had been in the school's area for 25 years.  For 25 years, this school could've been educating their students about HIV.  But no, they didn't.  Probably worried about some thumper parent going ballistic.  It's irritating, where resources could be used, they're not available.   But where available, people aren't utilizing them.

We're headed back into more seasonal weather.  We've been warm here for most of the last week.   I hope we get & stay cold enough to keep the bugs & grass at bay a while longer.  I won't hold my breath.  We're still dealing with fleas & green grass is still in the yard.

That's all for now.


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Talk Talk...

About a lot of things in life, there may be too much talk & too little action.  But, with HIV, there's too little of both.  A ways back most people just stopped talking about HIV.   Getting this conversation really started again is the only way we're even going to hold our own in this fight, let alone win it.   

During the 90's, the world was saturated with info on AIDS.  It got to the point that people were tuning out.  During the 2000's, medical advancements, made it seem as the war had been won.  That wasn't the case.

With the current political climate & the risk of HIV rebounding across the globe, it's more important than ever to make sure this conversation keeps going.  It's necessary to promote the fight against this virus & to give people the tools they need to get through this.  So, get over the awkwardness of it all & start talking.


Friday, January 20, 2017

It Begins...

This may be the beginning of a very bad time for HIV in the US.   Today Trump was worn into office.  I won't call him president.  That title implies service.  I doubt he has ever been helpful to anything other than himself.    We'll have to wait & see what this person will do to help, hinder & avoid the fight against HIV & helping those living with the virus.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Still Blah...

The weather is still blah & grey.  I have to go pick up my roomie from Fort Smith in a bit.  Not much going on here.

There are articles floating around about how the NYPD refused to hire an HIV+ man.  It seemed to be a communications position, so no need for physical interaction.  They are being sued by the Feds over discrimination.   Never for a moment think stigma & prejudice against + people is a thing of the past.  If anything, it seems to be ramping back up.

That's it for now.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Drizzling Again...

OK, some things I have had my fill of for a while.
  • Gloomy weather
  • Computer issues
  • Being sick
  • Random stress 
What'd I'd really like instead.
  • Weather, you don't have to be sunny, but rain if your're going to rain
  • Computers heal thyselves
  • I want to be over this cold-whatever thing I've been dealing with
  • Everything needs to chill for a while
 I probably won't get any of those, but it'd be nice.   So far, 2017 isn't proving to be any better than 2016.  Maybe things will look up soon.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017


The past week, almost 2, have been exhausting.  There was illness, a dead computer & a still iffy internet.  That iffy net came with a really smarmy, do-nothing service man doling out the company lines about kids with games & people who Netflix too much.  

At least for the moment, everything seems to be working.   We're on the mend.  The new computer is working.  The weather isn't horrible.  Looking for those bright points.

The best I can really say for the moment, is we're still here.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Another Monday...

This weekend sped by.  It was pretty much a stressful situation since Friday night, when my roomie's computer died.  We got a new system on Saturday, but I was too tired to set it up.  Sunday was mostly spent setting up the computer.  Nothing ever goes easily.

I woke up feeling better this morning.  We had to go shopping.   I'm expecting the cable guy tomorrow morning to see what's going on with the internet speeds.   I doubt I'll get a good answer.  Suddenlink sucks.  This will be the 2nd visit for the same problem in a week.  

I'm hoping, my roomie & I are really on the mend.  This sickness thing is exhausting.  It needs to be gone.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Busy Computerizing...

Not much of a post today.  I wore myself out a bit yesterday doing errands in Fort Smith.  My roomie's computer died & we had to go get a new 1.  Now, I'm getting it set up.  This part is always so tedious.  Especially, since Suddenlink is screwing with my internet speeds.  That's all for now.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Another Busy Day...

Still tired, but we've got to head out this morning.  My roomie's computer gave up the cyber ghost.   It's been in fits for days, so it wasn't unexpected.  It's a 6 year old PC, so it's nowhere near new.  For a desktop, it's nearly ancient.  I think it was either Win10's last update or some hidden spyware/rootkit.  So off, to computer land for us.  Hopefully, this won't be a difficult trip.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Early Morning Stick...

had to get around early this morning.  I needed to be at the doctor's office by 8 AM to get a lab draw for my thyroid levels.  I wonder how it'll go this time.  The lab tech there is quick, but not the friendliest stick.  He's rather jabby with a needle.  I usually wind up bruised.  At least he didn't go for the top of the hand this time.

It's getting cooler again & the skies are grey.  It's rather depressing.  Nothing much outside to watch except for a couple of neighbor cats scurrying by. 

My body is still stiff, my lips are covered in cold sores & I'm still coughing.  Other than that, I'm mostly passed this crap.  I think.  

Not much else is going on, so I'll end for now.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Iffy Morning Of Errands...

Somehow, we got through this morning's errands.  We still had a bill left to pay, had to go to the bank, then shopping & then to the mailbox.  After that, we had to get all the stuff inside & put away.  It's done, but so are most of my spoons for the day.  To make matters worse. pollen levels are up & the electric company is cutting more trees in my neighborhood.    I really don't need this right now.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I'm still feeling rough, but definitely better.  I only had a few major cough fits yesterday.  Had some cough induced nosebleeds as well.   I'm still sore & tired.  To add salt to the situation, this illness has  trounced my stomach & left me with serious fever blisters.  I hate being sick.  

I didn't see much in the way of articles.   The weather has been warm & majorly windy.   We're still under a fire ban.  I have a lab appointment early Friday morning.   Other than grocery shopping, that's my week.  Hopefully,  I can mostly recover in that time.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Another Day...

I think I'm on the mend.  I'm still sore & feel like crap, but it's better than 2 days ago.    At least I'm capable of enjoying the spectacle of the squirrel-bird war outside my window this morning.  

I didn't see much in the articles except for things hedging on the impact of this election.   So nothing solid there.  Maybe tomorrow.

I need to go shopping. We're should've gone on Sunday, but that just wasn't an option.  I hoping this doesn't wipe me out, but it might.  So, I'm blogging early again.

Take care & stay well.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Maybe Better...

I hate to even write that.  I don't feel well yet, but I don't feel quite like death warmed over this morning.  My fingers are still sore, my whole body is sore.  Typing is being a real pain.  I"m not sure what's up with me, but it wasn't pleasant.  I've been dealing with fever, runny nose, congestion, chills, night sweats, coughing, heaving coughing, soreness, weakness, exhaustion.  nausea...  I've been coughing so hard, it's giving me nosebleeds.  I've gotten a couple of nosebleed as well from the meds drying me out too much.   In general, life since Thursday night has pretty much sucked.  I hope, I'm on the upswing of this. 


Sunday, January 8, 2017

Still Sick..

Sorry, but I'm still sick & this is it for today.  



Saturday, January 7, 2017


I'm still sick & pretty damned tired.  I've been sleeping a lot, but it's barely cutting it.  I know it's probably just a bad cold, but still it's exhausting.  I'm sore, achy, cold & a little nauseous.

My roomie & her friend came up with a word for when you know an ill person near is going to spread it to you, "Fökugahtzmesiken".   Pronounced Fök u gahtz me siken.  The word is sound play on Germanic speech.  The closest I can actually find in German is, "Verdammt, du hast mich krank."   Not quite as potent, but possibly as angry sounding.

This is about all I can do for now.  Hopefully, I'll feel better soon.

Stay well.


Friday, January 6, 2017

1st Snow & 1st Yick...

The new year is here & so is out 1st snow of the Winter season.  We got a few inches of dry stuff. Nothing major yet, but it could melt into something nasty.   Our high today is only supposed to be 22 F.   Still not a fan of cold weather.  

I've developed a cold.  It was worse last night, but I'm still feeling ragged.   I just hope it doesn't get any worse.  I don't a serious illness.

OK, I'm cold, yucky & tired.  So, this is it.  Hopefully, I'll feel better tomorrow.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Belated 6th & 17th...

January 3rd was the 6th anniversary of this blog.   I've kept it for this long, sort of amazing.   Here's hoping 2017 will be a good year.

January 3rd was also my 17th HIV-day.   On the 3rd day of the new millennium I was diagnosed with HIV.  I've surpassed the time they gave me by quite a bit.   This means that I've spent exactly 1/3 of my life HIV+.  What a weird thing to say, but it's true.  

Happy 6th Blog anniversary to me & Happy 17th HIV-Day to me.  

Cya next year...

Under Your Skin...

There's talk of introducing a HIV medication, dermal implant.  It would be inserted under the skin & deliver meds up to a year.  OK, I get it, that could be a great thing, especially for people who find it difficult or impossible to follow a regimen.  But still, eewww.  

I'm aware implanted  devices have been used for over a century, but still they ick me out a bit.  The idea of something being inserted into my body permanently is not appealing.  I know people have this done all the time & technically I'm being somewhat hypocritical, I've had root canals.  

During this dental procedure, a root canal filling is placed in the removed part of the tooth & then a typical filling is adhered before having the tooth crowned.  Maybe, it's because I can't see or feel a root canal filling.  Maybe, out of sight, out of mind. 

I've know people with various medical apparatus.  It's hard not to be aware of them.  I guess they get used to them, like wearing glasses.  I hope to never find myself in a place to need such things.  

So, beyond my own reservations, this might be a good idea.  They've been used for various procedures & pharmaceutical needs before, like birth control.  The practice has been here for ages & I doubt the idea will bother everyone.   Here comes the HIV medication implant.  Let's see how it goes.


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Bills & Such...

The 1st of the month is officially here.  That means it's bill time.  We have a few errands to run.   So, we'll be headed out in  a bit.  Not much is the way of articles today.  I'll check back tomorrow.   

It's really dismal today.  We're heading back into another cool down for the next 5 - 6 days.  After that, it'll be slightly warmer.  It's drizzling out, which is making it feel a lot colder than it is.  This weather is giving me some serious sniffles.  

Post more tomorrow.


Monday, January 2, 2017


People are fretting that Russia is initiating a registry for HIV+ people.  The state says it will be used to help insure people get the aid they need.  Advocates believe it will lead to more discrimination.  Which is right?   Will this be like a registry in the comics?  

Before you get too tied up in that thought, maybe you should know the US has had such a registry since the early 2000's & earlier in some states.  That's right, the USA has a list of everyone who's conclusively tested +.  By that I mean, when I was diagnosed, it was with an ELISA test.  It came back +.  But the state wasn't convinced I had HIV until I took their  Western Blot test.    Afterwards I was found conclusively to be + & registered.  

I had to be registered if I was going to get any type or assistance or go on disability.   It was that simple.  Without these steps, the state wouldn't have done anything for me.

This isn't just about helping people living with HIV.  Or about discriminating against them.  It's also about public health & safety.   Like it or not, public health matters have to take precedence over some individual rights if society is going to remain safe.

So, scream about Russia's registry.  Just remember they're only following a precedent set by the US.  If you 're going to be upset over this issue, at least be educated on it 1st.


Sunday, January 1, 2017


2017 is here.  Hello shiny new year.  I have great hopes for you, no pressure.  It's a bit hazy out today, but it's fairly warm,  It may rain today, but we need it.  

Last night we waited for you while listening to music & enjoying the moment.  When you came, we had a measure of Grand Marnier & some chocolate.  For me that was promptly followed by a warm bed.   Music, brandy, chocolate & sleep are things I can get into.  

We have to head out in a bit to go to friends for the day.  We'll have some food & conversation.  Oh, the great lost art.  So forgive me if this is short on your 1st day.  

Happy Birthday & Happy New Year... 

May our fortune, favor, frivolity & friendships abound...
