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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wet Wednesday...

Nothing much going on today.  Just my typical midweek stuff.  Trash has to go out & I should go check the mail.  It's been a busy week for my roomie & it won't be over until Saturday.  That's not too common for us.   I realize it's normal for most people, but for us it can be very tiring.  We try not to let it happen too often.  We're both more apt to have issues if we let ourselves get too spent.

On a high note, my meds actually arrived as ordered & on time.  Well as on time as UPS can be.   Your package will arrive at some point within the 24 hours that make up Tuesday.

The rain hasn't been hard & technically we need it. I just wish it'd rain like a Spring shower & not doom & gloom things up like we've had all Winter.    At least it's supposed  to be mostly over with today. 


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