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Monday, April 11, 2016

Another April Monday...

We have some shopping to handle this morning. Otherwise, the day's fairly settled.   It's gloomy out.  It's been raining off & on all night.  Probably will throughout the day.  But, that's April. 

I'm expecting my meds tomorrow.  Hopefully, they'll all arrive & there will be no drama.  I have a doctor's appointment next Monday for a routine meeting.

It seems for the moment, the things that can be settled, have been.  My Visa issues seem to be resolving themselves.  My benefits have been renewed.  

Now, all I can do is wait & see how the medical people I use will react to Oklahoma's crappy cut's in medicaid payments.  This could be seriously bad.  I won't know until they tell me though.  Trying not to  stress about it.  I can't do anything about it at this moment.

Until tomorrow.


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