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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Book Perspective....

I wrote a while back I was trying to get back into reading.  It's not been easy, but it's happening.   I finished 3 books, 1 of which was in a series I decided not to finish.  I got about halfway through a piece a Broadway production was based off & decided it was probably best left to the stage.  I started an acclaimed mystery/thriller writer's last work & dumped it when he dropped the ball with a character.  According to the reviews, a lot of readers stopped about the same place I did.  

I've finished a few & dropped some. I'm trying to get back into reading, but I'm not obligated to finish something boring or poorly written.   I had a lot of e-books lined up to read.  When I got them, I had very short briefs on them.  Since then, I've found out more about them & culled a lot.  I'm not into more traditional science fiction or the overtly romantic.   I pretty much hate the young adult genre.  I'm sure there's some lovely YA work out there & you can have it.

This process & return to reading has made me face something.  Things change, like the Bowie song.  I'm not the person who stopped reading in the early 2000's.  Books aren't being written the same anymore.  Even the authors I used to love are problematic.  Some have evolved into something else, possibly better, but at least into something I'm unfamiliar with & not particularly fond of. 

I've grown intolerant of some things.  A lot of fantasy & horror is so formulaic, you know how the story will play out halfway through.  In the 1980 & early 90s, I'd raid the video rental stores & come back with armloads of horror flicks. Maybe 10% didn't suck, but I always went back for more.  I wasn't worn out on the genre yet & there weren't a lot of other choices.    The same thing went for horror, fantasy  & most fiction novels of the time

Things did change.  I stopped reading for a while & became more demanding.  I have another choice now, I don't have to read just anything.  I can wait for the next thing.   I've gone through this with most mediums, not just books.  I've tired of a lot of films & music, that I would've used have let play on in the background.  Now, I want more, if I'm going to give these things my attention.  

I don't care if  you suck, just be clever about.  Be some bombastic disaster, not some whimpering, lukewarm mess.


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