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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Poz Kids...

This piece & numerous others have listed the 13 - 24 age demographic as the group with the highest HIV transmission rate for years.  It's no surprise.  What prevention/education has  been taking place in public schools over the last decade?  In most cases, virtually none.

Why is it spreading so fast in tweens to college kids?
  • Little to no sex ed 
  • It's the age of experimentation with sex, drugs & everything
  • Assumed invulnerablity
  • Little prevention tactics or testing happening
  • This age group is historically high for STI transmission
  • HIV stigma
What can be done about this?
  • Realistic health & sex ed courses in schools
  • Push HIV testing as routine care
  • Talk Talk Talk
  • Make safer sex habits possible
  • Accept kids are going to have sex
  • Accept kids don't have all the tools to make good choices
  • Accept experimentation is part of growing up
  • Stop shaming, screaming, punishing, humiliating ...
  • Be approachable
Until, we make it a priority to prevent HIV in this age group regardless of people's repressive agendas then this won't change.


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