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Friday, April 8, 2016

Tired & Allergies...

The drama of my credit card issue continued last night.  I had forgot I had Giganews on that card.  They emailed & told me my account was on hold until I rectified the matter.  Easier said than done.  Their site wouldn't let me do anything.  It took 30 minutes of chatting with their support staff to get it fixed.   I'm still waiting for Visa to take a charge off my card.  They said it could took 30+ days.  Just great.

My allergies are nasty today.  The weather isn't helping any.  We're dropping low in the night with high humidity & getting warm days with humidity percentages in the teens.  Can we say hello nosebleeds.  The weather is also causing my feet to throb.  I hope it's not a gout flare up in the making.

We had shopping to do this morning.   The walk wasn't the funnest.  But, it's done.  For now, we're done.  I'm expecting my meds on Monday.  We'll see how that goes.  The following Monday I have a doctor's appointment.  Should be standard stuff & nothing special. Post more tomorrow.


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