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Sunday, April 24, 2016

New PrEP Tactic...

Pushers of PrEP have engaged in a new tactic in furthering the use of the medication.   This article has a video in it detailing the NW governors plans to provide funding for PrEP  for young people living in Long Island & Queens.

Not only are parts of the governors plans going to allow teens to receive PrEP without parental consent, the monies he's pushing forward will make it available for them.  So here kiddies, have the drug & don't worry about what mommy & daddy think.

The article also touted a new drug.  It doesn't say which med.  At this time there's only Truvada & it's 2.0 offspring, Descovy.  So much for a new drug.

Not a fan of this plan.


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