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Thursday, April 21, 2016


It's Thursday & I'm just getting some household stuff taken care of, dishes, laundry, etc...   It's a good day so far, nothing's worn me out.  Even though I had to use the flea spray earlier.    We've been really wet & the little nasties are popping up in force.  

The problem with the spray is it kills my breathing.  I can wind up coughing for a good hour afterwards if I'm not really careful.  I have to figure out where I want to end up & then spray in reverse to avoid all the fumes. 

I'm holding my own today. I didn't get dosed by it, so I'm not coughing.   A coughing fit can knock me out of the game for hours.  They sap what little strength  I've got.   

Living with HIV is a continuous series of adjustments to how you do things.  You have to alter a lot of things so you can handle them & they don't completely take you out.  Even then, some days, things like cleaning the house can still overwhelm me.  

What can you do?


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