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Saturday, April 16, 2016


My thyroid med dosage is getting bumped.  I was at the bottom & now I'll be a step up.  I notice some effects of the med or at least I think I do.  My weight, appetite skin &  hair are still feeling the downside of hypothyroidism.  Still, I'm not feeling as cold, staying as anxious or  having as hard of a time sleeping.  At least there's that.  However, those things could be in part or completely due to seasonal change   I don't know.

I don't know whether or not this will work.  I'll see my doctor on Monday.  I'm sure he'll want more blood tests on the matter in a few weeks.   If it's not where he want's it, I may get another dosage boost or a new med.  We'll see.

I'll guess I'll hear something about the medicaid fiasco going on in Oklahoma at the appointment as well.  I hate this.  I have no control over or impact on the matter at all.  This could seriously mess up everything medically & pharmaceutically for me.  For now, all I can do is wait.  That's sucks.


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