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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Yet Again...

This article, details how a nurse administering flu vaccinations to 70+  pharmaceutical employees  may have been infected with HIV &/or hepatitis.  The event happened in New Jersey & the people affected will have to wait months to know the status of their health.  

The nurse failed to change the syringe after every injection.  Failed, makes it sound like it was a mistake.  This wasn't a mistake.  This was an assault on these people's health.  No health worker could possibly think it was safe to reuse a needle or syringe after this many decades of dealing with HIV.  This person should be prosecuted & have their license stripped.

The victims of the nurse's action will have a great deal of anxiety to cope with while waiting months for the all clear.  Some, may development HIV or hepatitis from what should be considered criminal indifference.  Yet another health worker who couldn't be bothered to follow protocol, prosecute this person.  Make an example out of a few of them & maybe others will get the hint.  Blood transmitted illnesses are no joke.


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