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Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This article discusses the possible parole of a man who is imprisoned for criminally transmitting HIV.  The victim is fighting his parole.  He's just 6 years into a 25 year sentence. As it is, due to work programs, time served & the like, it's likely he'd be out by 2020.  

Some feel it's to draconian to punish someone like this.  I'm not among them.  This man knew he was + & purposely engaged in activities that would transmit the virus.  He pulled the trigger & forever alter someone else's life.  He should pay.

It isn't draconian to make a criminal who causes grievous harm, sexually assaults or permanently traumatized another pay for their crimes.    HIV is no longer a death sentence, but it most certainly will end your current life as you know it.  Anyone who says otherwise is either ignorant or in denial.

People like this should have to serve the entire sentence.


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