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Thursday, October 8, 2015

House Issues...

There seems to be an never ending list of things needing tending to in this old house.  I suppose that's to be expected, but it's still very frustrating.  Not to mention extremely annoying.

We've developed a problem with our shower.  There was a possibility of a rather "rigged" fix, but at least it might hold another call to the plumber.  So far, the fix seems to be working.  I have no idea how long this will last.  We'll see.   I'm very thankful for Gorilla Glue.

This has been a tiring week,  Our schedule was altered so some things got moved up.  It's been a bit rushed after dealing with the brush this week & coping with the shower drama.  At least, it's being handled.  

Not much else is happening right now, so this it for the moment.  Have a good day.


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