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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

November In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

This is the last week of October & then we'll be off paying bills again.  Yesterday, was a bit of a bust.  Our cable box is on the fritz.  Our subscription is so limited we don't need it. It was part of some weird bargain bundle.  Turns out they don't use those anymore & wanted us to upgrade (charge more) to a new option.  We just decided to bypass the box & everything was fine.

My roomie will be busy today & tomorrow.  Thursday I'll need to go get blood drawn.  Friday will be groceries & a run to the eye doctor.  Soon after, new glasses will be ordered.   I can see, but these things are 2 years old now.   Then repeat for my roomie's glasses.

There was a bit in the articles about a new, modified protein from bananas, called BanLec.  It might eventually be used to fight infections like HIV & the flu.   It's still early in that game though.

Another article reported  a Brooklyn model can collect damages from the New York State Division of Human Rights.   The agency hired the model for a campaign.  The ads read, " I am Positive (+) and I have Rights."   2 tiny problems here, she isn't + & she wasn't portrayed as just a model.   She was portrayed as having HIV.  The judge declared she could collect damages because the agency portrayed the model as having a "loathsome" disease that would expose her to public stigma.  

Talking about bananas is new here, but stigma isn't.  Some things might never change about having HIV.  Maybe the BanLEc thing will pan out.


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