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Friday, October 23, 2015

Tulsa Doctor...

It looks like I'll be heading back to Tulsa for my specialist appointments.  After this next appointment, I'll be back with the doctor that saw while I was using telemedicine.  I could altered this appointment, but it would've changed other's schedules.  I try not to do that if I can help it.

It means a drive, but that's better than the alternative in Stigler.  I needed to get this handled.  It was nice to have a little good news.  Lately, things haven't been that great.

Being in a small town, being chronically ill, not being involved; it's all very isolating.  This last couple of years has seemed even more so.  I don't see much I can do about it. 

At least it's finally raining.  Maybe I'll start feeling a little better.  That'd be nice.


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