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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Not Used To It...

I drove my roomie to a party last night.  She got there early & I went to run some errands & see a movie.  It's been a while since I'd been on a Saturday night in Fort Smith.  The stores were extra busy & so was every place to eat.  The theater parking lot was overflowing.   There was a pretty good wait in the ticket line.

I usually avoid these times & had forgotten how packed they could get.  I got through it, but it was a bit overwhelming with noise.  I think I'll stick with my matinees, less people.

It piddle rained all night & made the drive home annoying.  But my roomie had a good time.  Also, I now know I don't like Popeye's fish or popcorn shrimp. The errands went well, so there's that.


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