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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Warm Again...

Here I am griping about the weather again.  It's 70 F again in February.  My allergies & sinuses are killing me.  The sinus drainage has destroyed my stomach.  The last several nights I've been nauseous from this mess. 

The problem with being HIV + & having other ailments, is figuring what's actually getting to you.   I know my meds occasionally trash my stomach.  I know that my allergies & sinuses do as well.  So which 1 is it now?  Does it matter?

Having HIV or any other chronic illness I suppose is like having a sensitivity setting on your life that's adds to everything.  Oh my allergies used to make me feel like sinuses were turned up to 5, with HIV they're definitely a 9 & can reach 11.  HIV aggravates everything.

If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get through tonight without feeling like crap.


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