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Wednesday, February 11, 2015


We took out the trash.  The air's a little brisk, but not nearly cold enough for the season.  Some of the flowering bushes are budding.  Too early.

My roomie's new routine will start again tomorrow.  It's the 2nd run at it.   The last time went fairly smooth,  I think this time will probably go even more so.   Its a change & right now just about any change seems sorta big.  Even when its not.

My dental cleaning went well yesterday.  We got something to eat & ran an errand.  I needed a new outdoor, trash can.  The last 1 cracked & it was letting in water.  All I need is flooded garbage.

I seem to be getting better again.  At least for now.  I felt pretty good all day yesterday.  The weather shift hasn't been nice on my allergies, but still I'm holding up.

Here's hoping for more coeld weather to kill of the grass & the bugs.


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