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Thursday, February 12, 2015


I blogged a while back about the possibility of HIV+ people receiving transplants from other + people.   This article goes into more detail on this matter.  It deals with kidney transplants & found  the resulting survival rates were on at least par with the transplants of non HIV organs.  

This has significant impact for anyone needing a transplant regardless of their HIV status.  This opens the door for more donors.  While the + people can receive the + organs, the others can be more focused on the HIV- patients.     This doesn't limit + people to + donors, but it does allow them to be used.

All of this was done while still controlling the patients HIV levels.  I'm reasonably sure, there are  HIV- people who would opt for a + organ if no others were available.  For most people, being +, beats being dead.  I'll keep an eye out for more on this.


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