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Friday, February 13, 2015

Super Virus...

This article details a new variant form of HIV in Cuba.  When a person becomes infected with multiple strains of HIV, the viruses can sometimes become recombinant or a combination of those base viruses.  

It wouldn't always make the bug more virulent, but in this case it does.   This strain can lead a person going from initial infection to AIDS in as little as 3 years.  This can happen so quickly, these people may not even realize anything wrong with them.  So, they probably won't get tested & will continue to spread the more potent strain.

There has always been a school of thought among some + people, "At least now I can sleep with other + people & not be at risk."  This has never been a safe approach for many reasons & this recombinant virus is 1 of those reasons.

There is no excuse for voluntary, unsafe sex.


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