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Friday, February 27, 2015

Another Cold Morning...

I woke this morning & it was in the lower 20's F.  It isn't expected to get out of the 20's today.  I hate this cold weather.  It won't stay long enough to do any good.  It comes on in strong bursts that kill my  hands, feet, skin & sinuses.

I wish it'd just settle down & be cold for a while.  I could adjust to that.  But, that is apparently asking just way too much.

It's quiet here today.  The roomie is out & the cats are curled up in various warmish places trying not to freeze.   During this time of the year 1 of the older cats decides her sister is the perfect thing to sleep on.  The sister is none to thrilled at this.  Still it happens.

Stay comfortable & safe.


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