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Thursday, February 19, 2015

New idea...

These articles A & B, are among many the last few days talking about a new approach to fighting HIV.   I've been avoiding them for a bit, until some a little less science-y  came along.  Some jargon laden pieces can sound very compelling when actually stating very little.

The point is that a novel approach to fighting HIV is being researched after a new "desinger" protein was developed.  This protein blocks the virus' ability to infiltrate cells & replicate.  Without this the virus will not be able to flourish.  

They're calling this an alternative to a vaccine. The particulars are still vague.  This is still newish.  Albeit, it sounds promising, it isn't a sure thing yet.  This could still be years away or eventually fail altogether.  Not meaning to be a downer, but realism is the best option here.  Even if this doesn't work, it could be the thing that opens the door to whatever will.


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