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Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Life is about change.   You can resist it, use it or go with the flow.  Mostly we've been resisting it as much as possible.   Or at least trying to diminish it's impact.    Sometimes, last year being a prime example for me & mine, you can't do any of those things.  You can only endure it.   That sucks.

 That doesn't mean good can't come out of it, but no one likes being shoved into a new unknown or unwanted.   My roomie has decided to be brave & is trying to embrace the changes & possibilities in her life.  Before, she like most of us, would do her best to avoid them.  For people like us, change is often a bad word.  Change has been something always dumped on us.  Usually by people who had no right to dump anything on anyone.  Still, dump they did & we had to deal with the fallout.

My roomie is in the process of meeting a new challenge.  This is her 2nd go at it.  The 1st round went well enough, but there were alterations that could make the situation better.  So, she made them.

Instead of refusing the opportunity outright as would have been the case last year.  She accepted it.  Then when it didn't quite work for her, she altered the conditions instead of dropping the challenge outright.  I think this will be something very beneficial for her.

What does this have with HIV?   This virus is 1 of the biggest changes a person will ever endure.  And, like it or not, with the exception of a few possibilities, you probably had at least some part of your contraction of the virus.  The majority or us  have contracted HIV via unsafe sex practices, drug use or other risky behaviors.  Don't think I'm trying to blame anyone who was truly victimized.  

Bam, you're +.  Happy HIV Day, isn't it a joy.  You have choices now.  You can ignore it, you can resent your new life or you can embrace it.  Ignoring it will kill you & mostly contribute to the transmission of the virus to others.  Resenting HIV is ridiculous.  Its a virus & doesn't care what you think. It has a single drive, to survive & propagate, you're just a host.  That leaves embracing your new life.

This won't lead to sunshine & lollipops, but it most likely  will lead to a life.  For those of us that are +, there's no changing that.  There is no cure.  Even if they find a cure, it won't undo the damage already done to our health, or social lives, our finances, etc...  

If a cure comes, great, but it probably won't help me.  I can only try to move forward.  I often don't know how to do that.  But, I do my regimen & I go to my appointments.   I try to take joy in those things around me.  I try to embrace those possibilities that emerge in my life.  Do you?


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