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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Well, it's here, Thanksgiving Day (US) that is. The cooking is well under way & won't be all that complicated.  Unfortunately, my roomie didn't feel up to going to her relatives today, so she's stuck her with whatever I can whip up.  No pecan pie for her.

Today is a day to be thankful for all that we have & all that we do not not.  I have made lists of things that I am thankful for before & I could again.  But few of us take the time to be thankful for what we don't have in our lives.  There are countless ways our lives could be far worse than they are.  I"m not going to list all the negatives that I count myself fortunate for not having in my life, that would be fairly negative & not very apropos. 

I will say that whether or not you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, I hope you all are doing well.  

Happy Thanksgiving.


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