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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Changes, Bah Yuck...

I am a Virgo & thus not overly fond of change, especially not change dropped at my doorstep, unannounced & unrequested.  Be that as it may, that is exactly what has been happening lately. First, we had to alter the car insurance plans.  Then there were the earthquakes (may I remind you that this is Oklahoma).  Now my dental insurance is feeling left out & wanting some attention as well.

Apparently they are phasing out the plan I am currently on.  Why, you ask?  I have no idea.  The plan I selected looks like the one I had with higher costs for some services.  Why didn't they just raise my premium, instead of making me go through this change?  I would ask more questions of the customer service people at the insurance office, but I am relatively sure they have no more idea about this matter than I do.  Very Comforting. (That was slight sarcasm)

Again I am a Virgo & not overly fond of change.

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