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Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I know I've said this before, but I feel it is very important to acknowledge one's accomplishments, especially if no else is going to do it for you.  It is imperative to our mental well being that we know that we are capable of preforming tasks & achieving goals we've set for ourselves.  

In my opinion, recognizing the little accomplishments is as important, if not more so, than the mammoth milestones.  It is very easy to get down on yourself.  But if you can stop & say,  "Hey, maybe I'm not the best at this or that, but I did accomplish A, B & C today, so I am not worthless."

Today is back to Trash Day Eve.  It is a fairly busy day for us. There is: 

  1. Trash to be taken out.  
  2. Dishes to be done.  
  3. Laundry to washed
  4. Meals to be cooked
  5. Errands that need to be ran
  6. Appointments for my roomie
  7. Deal with other household chores.
Those are just some of the things we usually wind up doing on Wednesdays.   My roomie was remarkably  productive this morning.  Before her 10:00 appointment she managed to get herself around &:

  1. Hit the mail box place
  2. Go by the bank
  3. Go by her doctor's for a prescription
  4. Go by the medical supply place
  5. Pay the car insurance
Those are just the things that I am aware of that she did.  All those things need to be acknowledged as something she did.  She is capable of doing these things.  I think knowing these things, makes life a little easier on us.  

Besides taking the time to smell the proverbial roses, why not take time to take stock of all you've accomplished in your life recently, big & small.


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