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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holiday Plans...

Thanksgiving is less than a week away.  What will you do?  We  used to try the full-out holiday fare, but it was just the two of us, so that didn't really work.  We've made adjustments to the menu that suit our needs. We cut out things that we have all the time & combined some other dishes, while some remain front & center (green bean casserole).

A holiday should fit your needs & not you it's. If the traditional thing just won't do for you, then tinker with it until it does.  It may not be someone else's idea of  Thanksgiving, but that's just fine.  It doesn't have to be any one else's holiday, because it's yours & the people you choose to bring into it with you.  So make it work for you.

Have a good one & remember there are always things to be thankful for...


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