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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday Is Here...

It's very windy today.  It isn't really that cold, but the wind is definitely putting a chill in the air & the atmosphere.  I hate it when I know I'm really not that cold, but the humidity or the sound of the wind makes you feel as if you should be cold.

The cats are all nestled on the couch.  Even the mostly outdoor cat is curled up in a ball among the others.  For now they're warm enough not to have to huddle close together.  That is always a testy time for them.

Romie is shifting gears into winter crafty mode & looking for her looms.  She's been dabbling with some new-to-her knitting techniques.  It helps keep her hands busy & therefore focused on something other than being cold.

Winter is coming, is becoming all to common of a saying in my home.  Unfortunately, it's true.  Damn, I wish Fall would've lasted longer.


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