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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chilly Day...

Woke up to another chilly day.  I am not used to the colder temperatures yet.  I probably won't ever be.  I would seriously like to live somewhere it stayed in a nice, moderate temperature zone, like 60 - 90 F.  I am not a fan of weather extremes.  What's so great about being extremely hot or cold?  Nothing.  I am not a fan of big rains, snows, ice storms or tornadoes. I can definitely live without eruptions (limnic or volcanic), tsunami, hurricanes, earthquakes, lahars or blizzards   I guess with all that to consider, I should either live in a bubble or on some space station.  Alas, for now, I am stuck in Oklahoma, where we have or probably have the potential to have, the majority or weather phenomenon I dislike. Just my luck.


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