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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Occupy The Bed...

OTB has become with a vengeance.  The cats have laid claim to various parts of the bed leaving only the bare middle of bed usable for humans.  That time of the year has returned.  It's cold enough that the cats have no choice but to snuggle up close to the human.

This comes with some perks:

  1. The cats are sleeping with me
  2. The cats give off a lot of warmth
  3. They purr a lot in their sleep
  4. They're cute & cuddly
However there are less than pleasant aspects to this phenomenon:

  1. The cats fuss with each other all night long
  2. The cats try to knead your flesh
  3. The cats snore 
  4. They position themselves in the most obnoxious manner possible
Even when cats appear to be cute & cuddly, it's all really clever ruse to cover their self-centered, rude, greedy, demanding little natures.  

Yeah, I said it cat, don't try to cute face me. 


(examples, but not my pics or kitties)

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