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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Shake It...

Oklahoma may have a lot going for it, but this year there was a lot going into the negative column:

  1. Record cold winters -30 F & below in some parts
  2. Ridiculous levels of snow fall this year
  3. Outrageous tornado season
  4. Flood happy spring
  5. Record breaking summer heat
  6. Drought conditions
  7. Fires
  8. & now, drum-roll please, we have earthquakes
That last one was not expected.   Oklahoma always has tiny earthquakes, but you normally never even know they occurred.  That changed last night with a 5.6 magnitude quake that shook the house.  According to the geological service there were ten quakes from Saturday through Sunday morning.  Just wonderful.  The only weather phenomenon we're missing here in Oklahoma are hurricanes.   Just give it time, we already get the winds & rains carried up to us.  

Oh well, just another day in OK.


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