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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Paying For It...

Yesterday, I did some weatherizing outside & now I am paying the price.  Most of what I was doing was wrapping up & insulating outside water taps.  I'm very irritated at the idiot that put water spigots outside without a means of cutting them off from the rest of the water flow of the house.  To have it done now would be a hassle considering all the pipe work is underground & under the house.

Anyways, during this endeavor, I apparently bent & stretched in some unusual ways.  Now a third of the backside of my body is sore.   I must of pulled some muscles or something.  Add to that, there was a gusty wind out yesterday stirring up all kinds of stuff.  My body is stiff & sore.   My sinuses & eyes were very irritated.

Hopefully a couple of days of less exertion will let the soreness pass.  Just goes to show, no good deed (even one's done for yourself) goes unpunished.


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