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Monday, November 14, 2011

Holiday Encroachment...

There are encroachers upon us.  I went to the store in mid October & there were already displays for Thanksgiving & Christmas starting to arrive.  It bothers me that we can't just enjoy one holiday at a time.  Let the pumpkins, ghost & goblins have their day, then the turkey & pilgrims, then the winter festivities.

Some one recently posted on Facebook how much it upset her that people take the Christ out Christmas by saying Happy Holidays.  So sorry to hear that, guess what, "Happy Holidays."  The winter season has a ton of holidays in it, many based off of one religion or another.  There's Saturnalia, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, a couple of Muslim Holidays, a whole host of celebrations/recognitions for Catholics/Orthodox, Yule, Solstice & a myriad of others.   So Happy Holidays would seem far more appropriate & inclusive than just Merry Christmas.  What I am supposed to say Happy Advent?  Or maybe the real Christian point is to be exclusive to the rest of the world like Mr. Garrison from Southpark.

I guess we won't even be able to enjoy Thanksgiving without Christmas butting in.  The stores have already started blasting us with holiday music.  These are a few that I got hit with today.   


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