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Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Little Joys & Excuses...

It's the season of Fall sports, holidays & pumpkin spice everything.  I don't really care for much of those things.  None of it is something I really want to deal with.  If you do, great, watch all the football, do all the holidaying & consume tons of pumpkin spice whatever.  Just kindly leave me out of it.  

Someone else enjoying something doesn't hurt me.  It probably isn't even my concern.   As long as it's not forced on me, I have no reason to gripe.  People who gripe about others having things they like, such flavored coffees, are saying a great deal about themselves.  These people should probably be avoided.  They're joy killers & rarely bring anything to the party except misery.

I saw an articles today & I've seen others like it.  I won't cite them because they irritate me.  They link lack of access of to PrEP to HIV rates.   This might be the case in other parts of the world, but these reports were from within the US.   

Here there's a little thing called a condom.  They prevent HIV as well as PrEP, don't require a medical professional & they're cheap.  But little what's his name didn't get PrEP & didn't want to use the icky condom, so he got HIV.  That wasn't a lack of something.  It was the presence of those people's unwillingness to use what was easily available to protect themselves.  That's called being bratty.

That's all for now.  Let people have their joys.  Use a damn condom.  Take care yourself & let others be. Take care.


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