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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A Few OK To Decent...


Things around here have been going well enough for now.  I'm not saying they've been perfect, but there hasn't been any major drama since last Thursday.  That was due to our cat being a dick.   

But from Friday on, there have been some issues, but nothing major.  I called to confirm my dental appointment for tomorrow.  We'll need to handle somethings today, that'd normally be done tomorrow.   The van needs an oil change.

I started the final push to change doctors yesterday.  I asked for a last refill from them & for my records to be sent.  So far, things seem to be in order.  We'll see.  I've done what I can & that will have to be enough.

We're had our 1st chill down here.  It isn't welcome.  But it is mid October & Halloween's just 2 weeks off.  

Take care.


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