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Tuesday, October 10, 2023



Do you ever wonder why people who you think are in poor situations do things you find strange or unproductive?   May be the issue isn't with them, but with your understanding of the way of their lives.   

When you're poor or in undesirable situations, sometimes the best you can do is wade your way through it all.  Distractions make the effort easier.  You get to focus on something else instead of the crap zone that is your life.  

We all do it, some more than others.  Some dive into music, videos, reading.  The worse off people dive into dangerous areas like drugs, religion, politics, violence...   The problem is these distractions are like drugs.  Sometimes you have to dive in headfirst to get any relief.  Other times they no longer provide the relief they once did & you need something else, different, stronger, more distracting.

I listen to a lot of music, play games on my computer & so on.  Still, sometimes I can't face another game, read another comic & the music has the opposite effect.   Then I'm floundering for a bit.

If the time of year is right, I can look out my window & see little birds, tiny flowers, squirrels, dragons or hummers.   Right now there isn't much of any of that to get my attention.  At the moment, I have few distractions, little TV & a heap load of things adding stress in my life.  I'm pretty frazzled.  Will this get better?  Hopefully, but then more crap will happen & I'll need more distractions.

I saw a late dandelion.  It was in full puff phase.  I found myself a little jealous.  It had a full time of growing & being a pretty, blitz of yellow, now it was readying for its next phase.   Soon, it's little selves will fly off.  It won't board a train to Marrakesh, some might not leave my yard.  But maybe, just possibly, some of them could catch the wind & fly around the world seeing beautiful things before they land & start again.  Dandelions don't end, they just pack their bags & move on down the road a bit.  Yeah, I'm a bit jealous.


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