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Sunday, October 8, 2023

1st Week Of October...

The 1st week of the month has passed.  It was 7 days of utterly stupid, preventable, unexpected, unnecessary, upsetting bullshit.  All of the BS was nauseatingly stressful.   Every last bit of the anxiety was avoidable.  None of it was our doing.   

That's the problem when people tell something wasn't personal.  It doesn't matter.   If it happened to you & you had to deal with it, does the aim matter?   Maybe it might later or for some reason.  But in the now, the crap is happening to you.  

None of the debacle that happened during the last bit was aimed at us.  Yet it hit us & stressed our lives.   We weren't thought about.  We weren't collateral damage.  We were caught in other people's actions.  There was no thought given to us at all.  It wasn't personal.  But it did personally affect us & we'll be  dealing with the effects afterwards.

This left us were sick & exhausted yesterday.  Hoping it's over for the moment.   Unclenching abit, so some of the anxiety could escape.  Don't tell me it wasn't personal, because I don't care.  I take anything that negatively affects my life & well being fairly personally.  Whoever is responsible should have the same & worse dumped on them.

We're trying to recover.  Take care.


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