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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween & Goodbye October...


Just 4 things.

1st & foremost.  Happy Halloween everyone.  I hope the day is bountiful for you.  Whether you lean towards All Hallow's Eve or Samhain, may the holiday be rewarding.

2nd, Goodbye October, you weren't fun.

3rd, I met with my new medical provider & everything seems settled.  I hope the drama over this matter is done.  Now, I just have notify my specialist.

4th, It's frigid.  I dislike anything under the 60s.  I hate anything under the 40's.  We were in the 20's last night, so I wasn't warm or happy.

That's all for now take.


Monday, October 30, 2023



It's cold out & the keyboard is chilly.  I hate cold weather.   I despise it more considering it was in the 80s on Saturday & now it's just above freezing.  Yesterday was our 1st day with the stoves burning.  The air's cold & making breathing rough.  

My dentist appointment has come, gone & been paid for.  Today is the appointment with my new medical provider.  I've seen her before some years back.  If this goes well, I can have the medical drama settled for now. 

That's it for now.  I need to get showered & go shopping.  Then I'll handle the appointment & mail.  Take care.


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Rainy Dreary Sunday....


The title says it all; it's rainy, it's dreary, it's Sunday.  The last weekend of the month has sucked.  I'm glad I'm not some kid trick-or-treating Tuesday.  It's going to be cold & wet.  Not good weather for it.  I still would've gone though.  

The month's ending.  I have an appointment tomorrow.  Then there will be the 1st of the month stuff.  Hopefully, I can put all this medical provider drama to bed finally.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Dark Raining...


The crapfest dark of the year has begun.  I woke up late & it was still dark out.  It'd been raining most the night & will probably be so throughout the day & possibly into tomorrow.   Great, it's dark, raining & will probably dip below freezing this weekend.   That wouldn't be so bad if we weren't in the muggy 80s yesterday.  Cheap candy & holiday lights are not enough to make the dark of the year worth it.  I hate Fall.  Everything goes ugly & mushy.  Then & it opens the door to Winter.  

For you that love this time of year, yay... For the rest of us, wake us in the Spring.


Friday, October 27, 2023

Last October Friday...


It's the last Friday of the month.  October is nearly over.  I have an appointment with a new medical provider on Monday.  If this works, then I will have made up for both of the appointments that cancelled on me earlier in the month.  I hope this goes well.  

Today's a bit of a nerve trap for us.  The last few weeks have hidden bombs in them.  They've gone off midweek to Friday.  The last 2 were on Friday.  We don't need any repeats or drama.   October has been crappy enough already.  Save it, I'm sure November will want it's share of awfulness as well.

Take care.


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Dismal Ending...


The end of October & start of the holiday are both being dismal.  It's less than a week until Halloween & I've seen few suggestions it's near.  Other than stuff on Facebook; there've been few decorations, signs at the stores or even TV commercials.  There's less every year.  I'm not the biggest holiday person, but it's nice to see the decorations.

The month will end in a week of dark, wet & cold BS.  I hate the dark of the year.  It's not really dark, it's soggy browns & dirty greys.  It's easier just to accept this is how 2023 is going to be.  It's been a disaster year.  This may be the worst year so far, but little of the 2000s has been desirable.

That's all for now.  Take care.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Last Week...


Blogger's acting a little weird this morning.  I can't tell if they're changing it some or if it's just glitching.  Anyway, it's working well enough. 

This is the last week of October.  We're closing out the 10th month of 2023.  After next week, we're fully in the holiday season, oh joy.  2 Sunday's from now, the time change will happen.  Then it'll be even darker.  We could have our 1st dip near freezing by early next week.  That's going to suck, considering we should hit 82 today.  I hate weather shifts like this & I'm not fond of the time change BS. 

That's all for now.  We have to deal with trash & some errands.  Other than that, it should be a nothing day.

Take care.


Tuesday, October 24, 2023



We've had a few decent days & hope it holds.  Our indoor cat, Millie, tried to crash that this morning.  She's been running out a lot in the last month.  I'm to the point, I don't care why & over chasing her.  It's like she may well be an outdoor cat again soon.  If she does that, there will be no special runs to the vet for her.  If I knew someone that needed a barn cat, I'd take her there.  I can't & won't chase her anymore.  When she did this morning.  I yelled for a couple of times & then shut the door.  I looked back a bit later & she ran in.   I'm over this with her.   She's nearly 7 & should be over most this BS.  If she goes out, she won't last long.  She doesn't know the area & that will be that.

That's all for now.   Cat or not, I'll try to have a decent day even if it is grey outside.


Monday, October 23, 2023



Sometimes my borderline paranoia pays off.  I'd made some changes to some official stuff & was supposed to receive a letter formally notifying it had gone through.  It didn't happen.  I called & the change hadn't gone through.   I redid & when I checked again they finally altered the info.   Never trust anyone to do their job well, always check if it's important.  Better to be seen as annoying than trying to fix a screw up later.

Take care.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

Making News...


It seems news regarding HIV/AIDS matters has slowed.  There are a lot of cautionary articles.  They're warning pieces over how HIV+ people are more susceptible to this or that.  How those same people are more adversely affected by those ailments.   None of this is news, it's been known.  They're even trotting COVID out.  The researchers can't make up their minds on this matter.  This group says COVID is worse for those living with HIV & another says it's no different for them.  

Writers are rehashing & rebranding info again.  None of this new.  Make sure you're aware of these things, but don't let them cause you to panic.

Take care.


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Need An Easy Day..


We need an easy day, more like an easy week.  We almost made it a week, but the light switch screwed up early in the AM.  That was fixed & most of Thursday went OK.  Then yesterday the internet was out for most of the day.  We couldn't do things we normally do until much later in the afternoon.  There've been too many trips to Walmart & out of town for us.  We need a moment to regain our balance & destress a bit.  

That's all for now, take care.


Friday, October 20, 2023

No Reset...


Internet is out, so this is from my phone.   This isn't any fun.  This will have to do for now.  More tomorrow.


Thursday, October 19, 2023



Today would've been a week of good days, but we couldn't have that.   My appointment went alright for me, but it was a bit tiring.  The changing light, allergies & smoke, near endless stresers all make for an exhausting day when you add appointments in on top of it all.  

We got home & things were going well.  Right before going to bed, the kitchen light switch broke & wouldn't turn off.  I had a exhausted melt down.  I'm sick of everything crapping out right before I'm going to bed or on the weekend.  I can't get anything done over the weekend.  These hype me up right before bed & it makes sleep very difficult.

We made some plans.  We watched a couple of videos & changing the switch seemed simple enough.  We'd get the parts & if we couldn't handle it ourselves we'd call an handyman or electrician.  I got up earlier than usual & went to get what we needed.  It was annoying but not difficult.  The light's fixed for now.  Hopefully,  the fix doesn't burn us down in the middle of the night.

It's a reset.  If you just count since I've been awake, this hasn't been a bad day so far.  It was annoying & there was another trip to Walmart.  But nothing too aggravating, yet.  Maybe we can actually make it a week this time.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023



Unless something screws up, I'll handle 1 of my missed appointments from earlier in the month.  Today will be the dental cleaning.   Once this is over, the new medical appointment will be at the end of the month.  Then, if all goes well, I'll be back on track.

I've got to get around, shower, eat, brush my teeth again, take out trash, drive over to the dentist office & then get something to eat before heading home.  I think I covered everything.  If that all works out, then we're done for the day, except for mail.

October hasn't been a fun ride, but it came in the sucktastic 2023 package.  The 2000s have been crap so far & they keep getting worse with every new edition.

That's the plan for the day.  Take care.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A Few OK To Decent...


Things around here have been going well enough for now.  I'm not saying they've been perfect, but there hasn't been any major drama since last Thursday.  That was due to our cat being a dick.   

But from Friday on, there have been some issues, but nothing major.  I called to confirm my dental appointment for tomorrow.  We'll need to handle somethings today, that'd normally be done tomorrow.   The van needs an oil change.

I started the final push to change doctors yesterday.  I asked for a last refill from them & for my records to be sent.  So far, things seem to be in order.  We'll see.  I've done what I can & that will have to be enough.

We're had our 1st chill down here.  It isn't welcome.  But it is mid October & Halloween's just 2 weeks off.  

Take care.


Monday, October 16, 2023

Busy Mid Month...


This is going to be a busier than normal middle of the month for us.  A lot of that is thanks to my appointment situation.   Those appointments should've already happened but they had to be rescheduled.  So now they're messing up the rest of the month.  We have our normal errands & I have to handle somethings with my former doctor's office.  It'd be nice if all this went smoothly.  On top of this, I need to get an oil change & pick up meds.

It may a normal week for some, but it's busier for us.  That's all for now, take care.


Sunday, October 15, 2023



I've not always been the biggest Madonna fan.  I was never really a hater, but I could walk on by & be fine with it.  This piece is how the singer made a splash recently.  During the a performance of her latest tour, she held a memorial for those who died of AIDS, including people very close to her.  It's a good read.  For those too young, it was hard to be anywhere during the 80s & 90s & not lose people too AIDS.  We still do today, but back then it seemed like the wave of dying would never stop. 

Made it through another day without a crapfest.  Maybe we can make it a 3rd, that'd be novel.  I'm trying hard to stay in a decent place. Brighter mornings make it easier.

That's all for now, take care.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Not So Dormant...


There have been a few pieces lately like this article refuting the alleged dormancy of HIV+ people on regimens.  Even if the meds are working & the numbers are undetectable, it doesn't mean the virus is inactive.  While not as active, the virus is still impacting the immune system even when suppressed.  That can lead to inflammation & other health consequences for those living with HIV.  

This has been a concern.  Just how inert does the virus become while dormant?  Apparently not enough not to do harm.  While this may not impact whether of not the person can pass on the virus, it could affect their health.

That's all for now.  We actually made it through a day without issues yesterday.  We're hoping for a repeat.  Maybe we can get on a roll.  Take care.


Friday, October 13, 2023

The 13th...


It's Friday the 13th.  It's supposed to unlucky.  Maybe the way our luck has been, it'll inverse.  That'd be nice.  Life has been too stressful for a long time.  It cranked up last Friday & hasn't let up since.  We have shopping to do today & then mostly nothing.

Next week will be busy.   Besides regular errands & stuff, I have to see about closing out my time with my previous doctor's office & getting things moved over to the new place.  Then I have my rescheduled dental cleaning.  

We need things to calm down.  This has been a rough patch for us.  It's been beyond stressful & tiring.  There were other things to address besides more outside F'ery.


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Little Joys & Excuses...

It's the season of Fall sports, holidays & pumpkin spice everything.  I don't really care for much of those things.  None of it is something I really want to deal with.  If you do, great, watch all the football, do all the holidaying & consume tons of pumpkin spice whatever.  Just kindly leave me out of it.  

Someone else enjoying something doesn't hurt me.  It probably isn't even my concern.   As long as it's not forced on me, I have no reason to gripe.  People who gripe about others having things they like, such flavored coffees, are saying a great deal about themselves.  These people should probably be avoided.  They're joy killers & rarely bring anything to the party except misery.

I saw an articles today & I've seen others like it.  I won't cite them because they irritate me.  They link lack of access of to PrEP to HIV rates.   This might be the case in other parts of the world, but these reports were from within the US.   

Here there's a little thing called a condom.  They prevent HIV as well as PrEP, don't require a medical professional & they're cheap.  But little what's his name didn't get PrEP & didn't want to use the icky condom, so he got HIV.  That wasn't a lack of something.  It was the presence of those people's unwillingness to use what was easily available to protect themselves.  That's called being bratty.

That's all for now.  Let people have their joys.  Use a damn condom.  Take care yourself & let others be. Take care.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023



Do you ever wonder why people who you think are in poor situations do things you find strange or unproductive?   May be the issue isn't with them, but with your understanding of the way of their lives.   

When you're poor or in undesirable situations, sometimes the best you can do is wade your way through it all.  Distractions make the effort easier.  You get to focus on something else instead of the crap zone that is your life.  

We all do it, some more than others.  Some dive into music, videos, reading.  The worse off people dive into dangerous areas like drugs, religion, politics, violence...   The problem is these distractions are like drugs.  Sometimes you have to dive in headfirst to get any relief.  Other times they no longer provide the relief they once did & you need something else, different, stronger, more distracting.

I listen to a lot of music, play games on my computer & so on.  Still, sometimes I can't face another game, read another comic & the music has the opposite effect.   Then I'm floundering for a bit.

If the time of year is right, I can look out my window & see little birds, tiny flowers, squirrels, dragons or hummers.   Right now there isn't much of any of that to get my attention.  At the moment, I have few distractions, little TV & a heap load of things adding stress in my life.  I'm pretty frazzled.  Will this get better?  Hopefully, but then more crap will happen & I'll need more distractions.

I saw a late dandelion.  It was in full puff phase.  I found myself a little jealous.  It had a full time of growing & being a pretty, blitz of yellow, now it was readying for its next phase.   Soon, it's little selves will fly off.  It won't board a train to Marrakesh, some might not leave my yard.  But maybe, just possibly, some of them could catch the wind & fly around the world seeing beautiful things before they land & start again.  Dandelions don't end, they just pack their bags & move on down the road a bit.  Yeah, I'm a bit jealous.


Monday, October 9, 2023

Somewhat Restful...


Nothing happened this weekend.  Nothing else was dumped on our plates.  No balls of chaos crossed our stars during the last 48 hours.  That was great & we needed it.  Still, we're sick, exhausted & anxious.  Too much has happened in the less than 2 weeks.  At 1st it was just me & adjacent things, then it started hitting my roomie as well.  

The weekend without any crapfest was awesome, but we're still recovering.   We're gun shy about going out & doing anything, especially about getting mail.   That's not a worry today, there won't be any mail due to the holiday.

There was no call for any of what happened in our lives since late September.  We did nothing to incur it, still it happened.  Constant streams of things like this  crap is why people drink, do drugs, lose their minds, jump off bridges...

So Life, if you could, just kindly F'off for a while & let us be.  Share your "blessings" with others.  That's for now, take care.


Sunday, October 8, 2023

1st Week Of October...

The 1st week of the month has passed.  It was 7 days of utterly stupid, preventable, unexpected, unnecessary, upsetting bullshit.  All of the BS was nauseatingly stressful.   Every last bit of the anxiety was avoidable.  None of it was our doing.   

That's the problem when people tell something wasn't personal.  It doesn't matter.   If it happened to you & you had to deal with it, does the aim matter?   Maybe it might later or for some reason.  But in the now, the crap is happening to you.  

None of the debacle that happened during the last bit was aimed at us.  Yet it hit us & stressed our lives.   We weren't thought about.  We weren't collateral damage.  We were caught in other people's actions.  There was no thought given to us at all.  It wasn't personal.  But it did personally affect us & we'll be  dealing with the effects afterwards.

This left us were sick & exhausted yesterday.  Hoping it's over for the moment.   Unclenching abit, so some of the anxiety could escape.  Don't tell me it wasn't personal, because I don't care.  I take anything that negatively affects my life & well being fairly personally.  Whoever is responsible should have the same & worse dumped on them.

We're trying to recover.  Take care.


Saturday, October 7, 2023

More Really...

Yesterday morning didn't start off that great for me.  There was a power blip & I had to reset everything in my room.  I thought if that's all for today, I can handle this.  It wasn't.  

We went shopping & then decided to run over to Fort Smith for some things we can't get here most of the tie.  The trip, itself, at times can be questionable.   Other than the store not having an item in  stock, the trip went well.

We get back just about 2 & run by the mail to send off a letter that needed to get out ASAP.   There was some stuff for my roomie.  She got a notice she needed to refile something.  The problem was the letter was either sent later than stated or got lost in the mail.   The deadline for this refile was the day before she got it.  We ran by the local office & got a little info there.   What could be handled online was, but she still called them just in case.  Her initial wait time was over 149 minutes, not 1 hour & 49 minutes, but 2 hours and 29 minutes.   

She was on the phone for over 2.5 hours.  Luckily she could plug the phone in to charge & have it on speaker.   After finally getting to a representative, she was told, that the matter had already been resolved & she didn't need to do anything further.  To sum this up;  a hellishly late notice, a scare jolt, irritation, 2+ hours lost... all for, "Oh yeah, that's already been handled automatically... you're fine... we don't need anything from you at this time."   No we're sorry for any of it.  

At least it's handled, we think.  But still, on top of everything else in our life, that happened.  Did they not send out the letter when they said did or did the  mail lose it for that long?   We did not need that.


Friday, October 6, 2023

More Or Less...


I think October has every intention of being as crappy as the rest of the year.  Every time something is barely settled other crap comes flying down to pike.  I got a new, much sooner dental appointment yesterday.  But now, the crap storm is aiming at my roomie.  It's stuff aimed her, me & house matters.   Welcome to 2023, the year of stupid stress.  Oh yeah, there won't be any good diversions, because everyone will be on strike.

That's all for now.  Just SOS. 


Thursday, October 5, 2023



This will be a short post.  It rained last night & it's stupidly dark this morning.  It seems every time, we get something handled life decides to send some other bit of trash our way.  I wish someone would load some decent flavors in this pez dispenser that seems to be life.  Most of it sucks & is only replaced by more suck.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

More Updates...


Another change, my 1st option for new primary care finally called back yesterday.  I took the appointment.  It's on 10/30 & not the 72 days out the other clinic  booked an appointment for me.  That's a month & half earlier & my meds shouldn't be an issue.  If this 1st option doesn't work out, there's always the appointment in December.  I just have to cancel it within 24 hours of the actual date.  I think I can handle that.

It's not over yet, but it's an improvement.  I'll take what I can.  It's supposed to storm here today.  I hope it's not bad enough to knock out the power/net.   I wish the weather could remember it can rain without storming.  

That's all for now, take care.


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

More Ugh & Waiting...


So much for October.  The search for a new primary care physician may be over.  It's as handled as it can be for the time.  The 1st place I called refused to give me a call back or an answer when I called.  I got an appointment with another PCP, but it's not until December, over 2 months out.   I guess I'll have to call my specialist about meds.   I hate this process.  I really hope this new place works.  I probably won't really calm down about this until I know it's handled well.

Life added more to this dogpile of crap on my life.  I'm heading out to go shopping yesterday morning.   My phone rings & I think it's the 1st primary I called finally returning my call.  It wasn't.  It was my dentist office having to postpone my Wednesday appointment until late November.   Just F'ing wonderful.

Apparently I won the crapfest lottery.   Every alleged professional in my life has decided to flake out & screw me over.  What's worse, is this wasn't aimed at me.  I was caught in the blast of their BS.  I was just acceptable, collateral damage due to their inability to be professional & do their damn jobs.

That's where things stand so far.  Hopefully, this is leftover Sucktember stuff.  Then maybe this month won't utterly suck.  Take care.


Monday, October 2, 2023

Still Waiting...


I should be at a doctor's appointment right now.  Except I can't be, because at the moment I have no primary care physician.  Mine abruptly retired.  The man could be on his deathbed.  Still, if he'd had even the smallest speck of professionality, he would've had a plan for his retirement or even his death.  It's clear now, he didn't.  

I'm exasperated with myself for continuously investing in situations that fall apart & leave me in a lurch.  I should've left this doctor a already, but I was comfortable.   I've spent so much of my life not being comfortable that when I am, it tends to screw me over.  I let things slide because it's easier & then at some point matters can't be overlooked anymore.  How did I get there?  I did it & I should've known better.

Now, I'm waiting for my 1st option to make a decision about if I can be a new patient.  I have to get this going today in some direction.  I'm eyeing a couple of other options.  Hopefully I can wrap this up soon.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Hello October...


October's here & that means the crappy months of darkness are coming.  The holiday season is upon us.  There'll be seasonal things that need done soon.  The fans will go off, the windows will close & it'll be dark.  I have no use for this time of year.  I've always wished I could just sleep from September to March.  I hate the dark, the cold & the holidays don't offer much joy.

I'd say I wished for a good month, but I have no hope that will happen.  It's starting with baggage from the previous month.  With a little luck, that'll be handled as soon as possible.   No year in this "new" millennium has been easy for me.  However, 2023, has chosen to be the most difficult time so far.  It's been a crapfest from start to this far in.  I doubt it'll change.  If 2023 was a person, I'd wish someone would shoot it.

That's it for now.  Greetings October.  Try to be a good month, not some rebranded version of the rest of the year.
